Boutique Hotel
about us
Morcos Nassar Palace is one of many important and remarkable architectural designs built in the Anatreh Quarter in the old city of Bethlehem. The palace, which was built between 1899 and 1910, was designed by the famous Palestinian architect Morcos Nassar who is credited with building many palaces, mansions, and monasteries in Palestine at the beginning of the 20th century, among which are the Convent of Hortus Conclusus in Artas and the Casa Nova Palace in Bethlehem.
The construction of the palace and many more mansions in the city at the time was possible due to the prosperity and stability that Bethlehem witnessed in the period between 1860 and 1948, when many Bethlehemites established themselves in Europe, through trade and education. Also, during this period, the Ottoman Empire introduced reforms that allowed and encouraged those Bethlehemites to buy land and construct the beautiful European-style mansions found in the quarters of the old city of Bethlehem.
Located in Al-Anatreh Quarter, the 3-story palace was built to be the residence of Morcos Nassar and his family who lived there for five decades. The building of the palace was accomplished in two phases, the first one consisted of constructing the basement and ground floor, which was built using white stones brought from the Dheisheh area, while the first floor was completed in the second phase by using red stones brought from the Slayyeb area (settlement of Gilo area).
The palace is an example of the Liwan House, which consists of large halls on every floor, displaying valuable objects. The large hall, liwan, is connected to the main entrances and to the staircase, providing a linear circulation among the adjacent rooms. The architecture concept is based on the simple repetition of rooms along both sides of the liwan.
For the interior of the building, Morcos Nassar brought artists and painters from abroad to adorn the walls and ceilings of the palace with impressive and colorful oil paintings that represented the family’s wealth and power. Some of the paintings included landscapes, hunting activities, fruits, angels, and animals. The palace was renovated by the Centre for Cultural Heritage Preservation (CCHP) on two occasions, the first was in 2012 when it was purchased by Ma’an Lil-Hayat (Together for Life)/ L’Arche Bethlehem and the second time was in 2021 when Ma’an Lil-Hayat decided, with funding from the Diocese of Cologne and Fondation Assistance Internationale, to transform it into a Boutique Hotel. This move aimed at supporting, on one hand, its mission of integrating people with intellectual disabilities into society and on the other hand contributing to cultural heritage tourism in Bethlehem.
In June of 2022, Ma’an Lil-Hayat Boutique Hotel was opened in the presence of several representatives of the Palestinian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities and Bethlehem Municipality. Since then, the hotel has received very excellent reviews from guests from all over the world, who commended the hotel’s architecture, amazing service, and noble mission in hiring people with disabilities.
Ma’an lil-Hayat Boutique Hotel is a project of Ma’an lil-Hayat / L’Arche Bethlehem community that was founded in August 2009. Ma’an lil-Hayat brings together people with and without intellectual disabilities who share life through structured creative activities, celebration and mutual relationships of friendship and trust. Ma’an lil-Hayat is a project of the International Federation of L’Arche communities.
Ma’an lil-Hayat Boutique Hotel in Bethlehem is the first hotel of its kind to be staffed by persons with and without intellectual disabilities. The objective is to provide top-class high-quality accommodation for local and international guests. The hotel focuses on getting a sustainable income for the continuation of our Ma’an lil-Hayat community for people with intellectual disabilities.
Our vision at Ma’an lil Hayat Boutique Hotel is to have Palestinian adults with intellectual disabilities prepared and employed to best serve our international and local guests.
The mission of our hotel is to provide outstanding lodging facilities and services to our guests by people with and without disabilities which gives job opportunities for adults with intellectual disabilities as well as to make known their gifts and talents by working together toward more human society.
Our boutique hotel offers a personal touch to every guest. At our boutique hotel, you will get more value for your money, with luxurious experiences at a lower cost.
A Memorandum of Understanding with Albergo Etico
A Memorandum of Understanding that aims at providing the foundation and structure for collaboration between Ma’an lil-Hayat community – L’Arche Bethlehem and Associations Albergo Etico Italia ONLUS.
Albergo Etico is a social enterprise that is helping Ma’an lil-Hayat/L’Arche Bethlehem in Opening a boutique hotel under the concept of a social enterprise. The mission of Albergo Etico is to offer job opportunities and the chance to express talents and help young people with intellectual and physical disabilities to enter the world of employment.
Albergo Etico is a hotel and restaurant service provider serving customers in Italy and Australia. Their business concept is to provide young men and women with and without a disability, a Chance to become a part of the working society by training them in the hospitality sector and Providing them with full-time jobs.
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